Just in case you are still deciding on what to have for your Christmas Dinner!
Monday, 23 December 2013
Rapid Recipes: Turkey dinner in a 'tater
Just in case you are still deciding on what to have for your Christmas Dinner!
Sunday, 15 December 2013
Festive Evening
A few photographs from last nights festivities, if you were unable to attend you will see what you missed, but if you were there, this will remind you of the fun everyone had!
Amanda and the Network team serving 'hot drinks' - a big cheer to them for all their hard work.
Members from the Romsey Opportunity Group were asked to attend the evening and they gave a brief summary of what the group does. Everyone was invited to make a donation to the organisation who help pre-school children that have special needs. Many of these children have, over the years, gone on to join the Scouting Movement and benefited from its inclusive policy of welcoming all.
Amanda and the Network team serving 'hot drinks' - a big cheer to them for all their hard work.
Members from the Romsey Opportunity Group were asked to attend the evening and they gave a brief summary of what the group does. Everyone was invited to make a donation to the organisation who help pre-school children that have special needs. Many of these children have, over the years, gone on to join the Scouting Movement and benefited from its inclusive policy of welcoming all.
A certain person was first in the queue! Or was he the last?!
Then Santa arrived - he was obviously having a bad hair day!
And his elves - drinking on duty?!
Singing Carols around a camp fire - where else? Thank you Baloo.
What did you think of this evening? It was a new idea and a way to get everyone together to enjoy Christmas Festivities in a relaxed and informal way. Please comment below if you wish.
Saturday, 14 December 2013
Gingerbread Men!
Don't forget tonight 6 pm at the Dr Peter Centre for some Christmas Festivities including these.......
Thank you members of Network, look forward to eating one of these little chaps later on today!
Thank you members of Network, look forward to eating one of these little chaps later on today!
Friday, 6 December 2013
Tuesday, 3 December 2013
Instead of buying your child a boring old ipad
for Christmas get them a stick.......................
Rebecca Smithers writes in the Guardian yesterday
Parents are now being asked to consider a low-tech alternative – to root around in the back garden and give their children a stick or a stone instead, in place of the latest smartphone, and to swap "screen time" for "wild time".
The Wild Network (please watch the film on the website) wants to drag youngsters off the sofa and get them interested in nature and outdoor play.
The network has therefore drawn up an "alternative Christmas list for kids" that suggests a stick makes a brilliant gift. Sticks, it helpfully suggests for baffled parents, are "easy to pick up, perform a thousand different uses and can be thrown away as easily as you found it. Great for helping with imaginary games, playing Pooh sticks, building things."
Think that may be a tad tricky to wrap? Then what about a smooth stone "which can be skimmed or carved" or a pair of wellington boots for "jumping in puddles, wading through streams, walking along muddy lanes".
A National Trust spokesman said: "Technology has a role to play in all of our lives but so does time spent in nature and playing outdoors – whether that's a local park, green space or a trip to the country."
The Wild Network was founded in September this year and members include the National Trust, Play England, the Scouts, the National Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens, Play England, RSPB, NHS Trusts, schools, playgroups, local authorities and outdoor centres. They have all signed up to encourage children to spend time outside. New Research has shown that children spend an average of 4.5 hours a day looking at electronic screens.
What do you think of the idea of not giving children the latest technology? How do you think it would go down in your family if a child was given a stick or a stone for Christmas? Please comment on this blog and share your thoughts.
How to comment - click on to the word "no comments" (unless you are not the first and then it will say comments) - directly underneath and a box will appear for you to write your comment in - please put your name afterwards, it will not be published immediately as all comments are moderated
Rebecca Smithers writes in the Guardian yesterday
Parents are now being asked to consider a low-tech alternative – to root around in the back garden and give their children a stick or a stone instead, in place of the latest smartphone, and to swap "screen time" for "wild time".
The Wild Network (please watch the film on the website) wants to drag youngsters off the sofa and get them interested in nature and outdoor play.
The network has therefore drawn up an "alternative Christmas list for kids" that suggests a stick makes a brilliant gift. Sticks, it helpfully suggests for baffled parents, are "easy to pick up, perform a thousand different uses and can be thrown away as easily as you found it. Great for helping with imaginary games, playing Pooh sticks, building things."
Think that may be a tad tricky to wrap? Then what about a smooth stone "which can be skimmed or carved" or a pair of wellington boots for "jumping in puddles, wading through streams, walking along muddy lanes".
A National Trust spokesman said: "Technology has a role to play in all of our lives but so does time spent in nature and playing outdoors – whether that's a local park, green space or a trip to the country."
The Wild Network was founded in September this year and members include the National Trust, Play England, the Scouts, the National Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens, Play England, RSPB, NHS Trusts, schools, playgroups, local authorities and outdoor centres. They have all signed up to encourage children to spend time outside. New Research has shown that children spend an average of 4.5 hours a day looking at electronic screens.
What do you think of the idea of not giving children the latest technology? How do you think it would go down in your family if a child was given a stick or a stone for Christmas? Please comment on this blog and share your thoughts.
How to comment - click on to the word "no comments" (unless you are not the first and then it will say comments) - directly underneath and a box will appear for you to write your comment in - please put your name afterwards, it will not be published immediately as all comments are moderated
Sunday, 1 December 2013
Christmas Scout Shopping - Advent Giveaway
It is only the 1st of December and there is still plenty of time for Christmas shopping.
Have you thought of looking at the Scout Shop?
There are some great gift ideas, check it out today!
Or if you are a Facebook member then you have a chance of being a prize winner from 1st -24th December on their Advent Giveaway. Just click here there is a super one-off i.SCOUT hooded body warmer in red, size medium to be won today, but be quick you only have until midnight!
What will be the giveaway tomorrow? Keep checking!
Have you thought of looking at the Scout Shop?
There are some great gift ideas, check it out today!
Or if you are a Facebook member then you have a chance of being a prize winner from 1st -24th December on their Advent Giveaway. Just click here there is a super one-off i.SCOUT hooded body warmer in red, size medium to be won today, but be quick you only have until midnight!
What will be the giveaway tomorrow? Keep checking!
Thursday, 28 November 2013
What people really think of Scouting
Latest data out today via a great info graphic that is just made to share ............
Click on the image for a clearer view
Tuesday, 26 November 2013
Kings Somborne Christmas Party
Kings Somborne Scouts are running a Christmas event at the Kings Somborne Village Hall on Saturday 7th December from 8pm.
event is aimed at adults and older children (16 and above) as a way of
having a fun night out whilst raising some much needed funds for
improving the scout hut in this, their one hundredth year in the
This is a new
fundraising initiative by the scout group so your support at this
evening would be much appreciated.
Why not get a group together to kick-start the festive season with
local band ‘Broadband’ and enjoy some mulled wine, minced pies a licenced bar, dancing and
hopefully some more surprises along the way.
Tickets are £10 and available by e mailing kingssomborne@romseyscouts.org
Monday, 25 November 2013
6th Lockerley visit to Climbing Wall
Last Thursday evening saw 6th
Lockerley Romsey Cubs and Scouts swarming all over the new Climbing
Wall at the Dr Peter Centre. Some Scouts had climbed before but for
most of the young people this was their first taste of scaling up a
wall and then abseiling down. But they soon got the hang of it! For
some it was particularly challenging as height isn’t everyone’s thing
but with lots of encouragement from one another and shouted advice from
the floor, all the Cubs and Scouts managed to make several climbs up of
increasing difficulty and of course abseiling down.
was particularly memorable for three of our scouts, Callum Wright,
Henry Baker and Josh Cole as two of them were invested into the Scout
section, hanging from the ropes half way up the wall while one was sat
on top of the wall.
Leaders of
course had to show their mettle with our Assistant Cub Leader dangling
from a rope during the investitures and the rest of us sneaking in a
cautious abseil – relying on our District Commissioner to let us down
gently. Even the GSL and the Group Chairman managed to put their life
in the DC’s hands.
Lockerley had an awesome evening and a big thank you to DC,John
Papworth, Scout Leader,John Heagren and young Leader, James Manning for
making that possible.
Now can we possibly fit a traverse climbing wall somewhere outside our own HQ ....we wonder?
Sunday, 24 November 2013
1st World Scout Education Congress
A two day congress has just ended in Hong Kong which brought together leading Scout figures from the six Regions that make up World Scouting - to discuss their experiences and expertise in the Youth Programme and to debate Adult Resources in the 200 countries and territories where Scouting currently exists.
Mind Map
Just one quote from the congress "Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire"
The Mission of Scouting is to contribute to the education of young people, through a value system based on the Scout Promise and Law to help build a better world where people are self-fulfilled as individuals and play a constructive role in society.
And it is up to us as leaders, helpers, parents and supporters of the Scout Movement to help in this task of educating our young people through our various groups and sections.
Please look at the mind map (sorry could not make it any bigger but click on image for a clearer view) and see what you make of the world in which we live in today as seen through the eyes of those attending the congress.
If you want to catch up on some of the highlights of the congress please click here
Friday, 22 November 2013
Family items found in Jumble
10th Romsey held a Jumble Sale last weekend at their HQ and it was very successful, many thanks to all who helped.
During the sale though items came to light that obviously were treasured by a family.
During the sale though items came to light that obviously were treasured by a family.
Do you recognise the surname TEECE? Was that the
name of one of your ancestors, possibly a lady who died at the age of 90 years
in 2001?
Some photographs and letters were found among the items
donated for the Jumble Sale. They may be someone's treasured
memories which were 'donated' by mistake.
We would like to reunite them with their owner if
possible. If your in-laws, friends or neighbours donated jumble
please ask if the photos belong to them.
If you do recognise the name or can help trace who the items belong to then e.mail romseywoodsmoke@googlemail.com
If you do recognise the name or can help trace who the items belong to then e.mail romseywoodsmoke@googlemail.com
Thursday, 21 November 2013
Chief Scouts Presentation Evening
Tuesday 19 November The Council Chamber in Romsey Town Hall was packed for this twice yearly presentation of certificates to Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers for their achievements.
ADC(Cubs) Janice Waterman opened the evening welcoming The Town Mayor Mr Ian Richards, CC Adam Jollans, DC John Papworth, Head Teachers, Parents, Grand Parents.
A Beaver is required to gain 6 Challenge badges leading to the presentation of The Bronze Award. Cubs are also required to gain 6 Challenge badges plus one optional challenge leading to The Silver Award.
Scouts are required to gain 8 or 9 Challenge badges before receiving the Gold Award.
ADC(Beavers) read out the citations of achievement of all the recipients while The Mayor presented the Certificates.
Robin Taylor-Milton DESC then spoke about Explorer Scouts , there were three who had completed the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. Joe Hutchings, Seb Ollingslager and Sam Wolstencroft each talked about their Expedition on The Purbeck Hills which had been very wet, boggy and windy, they enjoyed their cooked breakfasts before setting off each morning. They enjoyed the comradeship and had enjoyed the challenge very much.
The Mayor then commented on the achievements and of when he had done his Out of Bounds Course in the Brecon Beacons, commenting on how proud we are of the young people of Romsey enjoying exciting Scouting.
CC Adam then said a few words The Hobbitt and adventures that make you late for tea. Always be prepared for anything that you are trying to achieve, if you have planned well, the friendship and camaraderie will win through. He congratulated and wished the
recipients good luck in the future.
The DC concluded the evening thanking everyone for coming along to receive their awards. John also thanked all the Leaders and Parents for all they had done to encourage the young people to gain their awards.
There was a standing ovation for all the recipients from everyone present.
The Mayor signed all the certificates to round off the evening.
Thanks to the service team for laying on the refreshments.
ADC(Cubs) Janice Waterman opened the evening welcoming The Town Mayor Mr Ian Richards, CC Adam Jollans, DC John Papworth, Head Teachers, Parents, Grand Parents.
A Beaver is required to gain 6 Challenge badges leading to the presentation of The Bronze Award. Cubs are also required to gain 6 Challenge badges plus one optional challenge leading to The Silver Award.
Scouts are required to gain 8 or 9 Challenge badges before receiving the Gold Award.
ADC(Beavers) read out the citations of achievement of all the recipients while The Mayor presented the Certificates.
Robin Taylor-Milton DESC then spoke about Explorer Scouts , there were three who had completed the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. Joe Hutchings, Seb Ollingslager and Sam Wolstencroft each talked about their Expedition on The Purbeck Hills which had been very wet, boggy and windy, they enjoyed their cooked breakfasts before setting off each morning. They enjoyed the comradeship and had enjoyed the challenge very much.
The Mayor then commented on the achievements and of when he had done his Out of Bounds Course in the Brecon Beacons, commenting on how proud we are of the young people of Romsey enjoying exciting Scouting.
CC Adam then said a few words The Hobbitt and adventures that make you late for tea. Always be prepared for anything that you are trying to achieve, if you have planned well, the friendship and camaraderie will win through. He congratulated and wished the
recipients good luck in the future.
The DC concluded the evening thanking everyone for coming along to receive their awards. John also thanked all the Leaders and Parents for all they had done to encourage the young people to gain their awards.
There was a standing ovation for all the recipients from everyone present.
The Mayor signed all the certificates to round off the evening.
Thanks to the service team for laying on the refreshments.
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
Scout Community Week
It may be getting near to Christmas but it is also time to start planning for next years exciting Scouting activities.
Scout Community Week which takes place from 2-8 June 2014, not only gives us the opportunity to bond with the local community and raise essentials funds for local Scouting, but it’s a chance to promote and champion all the inspiring things we do during the other 51 weeks of the year.
Scout Community week supported by B&Q is our biggest UK-wide fundraising and awareness event of the year
Why take part?
- It's a chance to learn and share new skills with people living or working on your doorstep.
- Provides an opportunity to tackle real issues with the community
- It helps build our Scouts confidence by making them feel proud of achieving things for others
- Scout Community Week can help build new relationships which can continue long after Community Week
- It teaches our young people that we all have a role to play in improving the areas in which we live
- Your project could also help you work towards a number of other badges
- Fundraising for your Group has never been easier. This year Groups keep 100% of the money they raise in order to support local Scouting
Look here for more details and find out how B & Q can help with your project and register today!
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
Scouting gets the Royal Approval
Lots of good press this week for Scouting .............read all about it!
We have even got into Marie Claire (a monthly women's magazine) but you men can have a quick peep here ! Kate Middleton Duchess of Cambridge talks about her work with the Scout Association.
Scouting is also central to a new initiative being launched by Prince Charles to increase youth social action read about it here.
Prince Charles is also proud of his daughter-in-law who is helping to swell the ranks of much needed Scout volunteers. He says she is inspirational read all about it here.
Writing in the Mail on Sunday,
Prince Charles said: ‘I need hardly say that I am particularly
delighted that my daughter-in-law has helped to swell the ranks of
much-needed Scout volunteers.
Read more at http://www.marieclaire.co.uk/news/celebrity/544937/kate-middleton-why-this-royal-thinks-she-s-an-inspiration.html#gy5zrBkUazCpxixJ.99
Read more at http://www.marieclaire.co.uk/news/celebrity/544937/kate-middleton-why-this-royal-thinks-she-s-an-inspiration.html#gy5zrBkUazCpxixJ.99
Writing in the Mail on Sunday,
Prince Charles said: ‘I need hardly say that I am particularly
delighted that my daughter-in-law has helped to swell the ranks of
much-needed Scout volunteers.
Read more at http://www.marieclaire.co.uk/news/celebrity/544937/kate-middleton-why-this-royal-thinks-she-s-an-inspiration.html#gy5zrBkUazCpxixJ.99
Read more at http://www.marieclaire.co.uk/news/celebrity/544937/kate-middleton-why-this-royal-thinks-she-s-an-inspiration.html#gy5zrBkUazCpxixJ.99
Monday, 18 November 2013
Christmas lights - thank you
Hearty thanks to the stalwarts from
Romsey Scouts, who braved the rain and the cold to get the lights up
before the Winter Carnival and switch on, which is scheduled to
happen on Saturday 23rd November.
We must thank all those
members of the public who thanked us as they passed – one very kind
pedestrian even holding the bottom of a ladder for us, when we were
very stretched.
We came very close to having John Evans (GSL at
15th) as a permanent part of the display when the loom
just wasn’t long enough to reach the socket!
Two new recruits
Sunday, 17 November 2013
Scouting is inclusive!
On Wednesday 6th November there was an all Inclusive Empowerment
Fayre at the Crossfield Hall Romsey. The event for service users and their
carers was also attended by Vanessa from Hampshire Scouts and Portia,
Ali and John from Romsey's special needs advisory group (SNAG).
weren't many people expressing an interest in joining Scouts but all
those that were there are now aware that Scouting is inclusive and
available to both boys and girls.
Useful contacts
were made with other exhibitors, so the day was worthwhile and we will
be attending other similar events in the future.
There is a badge to symbolise inclusive Scouting? Does anyone wear this on their uniform in Romsey District?
And talking of badges, this Tuesday 19th November at Romsey Town Hall many youngsters from Beavers, Cubs and Scouts will be receiving their Chief Scouts Awards.
(you can comment on this blog, but as comments are moderated they will not appear straight away)
Monday, 11 November 2013
Remembrance Day
You could make Scouting history by designing a permanent memorial to remember all who have given service to Scouting and honour members who have suffered through conflict.
The Scouting Memorial project, set up by a team of volunteers from Birmingham Scout County, is a fundraising drive to create a Scouting Memorial in Staffordshire at the National Memorial Arboretum, the UK’s year-round centre of remembrance. Details including a design brief can be found here, the competition closes on 6th December.
Anyone that is involved or affiliated with scouting can enter, whether you are a young person, leader, parent, supporter or ex-member, we want this to be a truly inclusive project.
Kings Somborne Remembers
On Remembrance Sunday
the Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers and Leaders from Kings Somborne
were joined at the war memorial on the green outside the church by
members of the local British Legion, 25 members of the Army Air Corp
from Middle Wallop and members of the public.
It was a moving ceremony which took place in fine sunny weather.
Many hundreds of Romsey Scouts across the District paid their respects yesterday in Romsey and the surrounding villages.
Sunday, 10 November 2013
Remembrance Sunday
Remembrance Sunday, the second Sunday in November, is the day traditionally put aside to remember all those who have given their lives for the peace and freedom we enjoy today. On this day people across the nation pause to reflect on the sacrifices made by our brave Service men and women.
This morning in North Baddesley the uniformed organisations including 15th North Baddesley Scout Group, joined with the people of the village at the war memorial outside St. John the Baptist Church. There the names of those who died in the two World Wars and came from the village were read out. During the two minutes silence we also brought before God all service men and women who are still involved in conflicts in the world and the families who wait for their safe return.
The 21st Nursling and Rownhams Scout Group attended their local Remembrance Service
at St John's Church in Rownhams. Although it was a cold but bright morning, over 60 members
of the group were there with each section represented by at least 20
children. All were really well behaved and looked very smart. Members
of the congregation commented on how good it was to see the young
people attending as well as saying that they were a credit to the
Scouting Movement.
Well done to all the leader team for such an impressive display of Scouting.
Romsey's junior mace bearer, our Explorer Morgan, introducing a toast at today's town hall Remembrance day reception
10th Romsey parading this morning
Thursday, 7 November 2013
Scouting Royalty Wed
As the bride's father said in his speech, he doubted that Baden-Powell had a dating agency in mind when he first set up the Scouts - but when Alan Digby and Andrea ('Flossie') Newbitt married at St. John's Church , Rownhams, on October 11th, it was hard to avoid the conclusion that intentionally or not it was functioning as exactly that.
bride and groom first met at a 21st Romsey |(Nursling & Rownhams)
Scout event lost in the mists of time (but which probably involved mud)
and since then they have both served as Junior Macebearer to the
appropriate Town Mayor of Romsey, and travelled to Scout Camps far and
wide, with Flossie attending the World Jamboree in Chile and
Alan still helping lead Suisse Adventures as well as the many trips to
late father, Peter Digby, needs no introduction in these pages, and
Flossie's father David was for 5 years Chairman of the 21st; while Sue
(Newbitt) and Laura (formerly Digby) and Dave Hedges have supported the
21st in many ways, from PR through to fundraising and the famed Senior
Citizens' Christmas Party.
Men were Nick Williams, a friend of Alan's from university days, and
Ben Goddard, whom many will remember from Scout and Venture Camps. His
and Sian's daughters, Florence and Beatrice, were adorable flower girls
(and Sian made the cake!)
and non-Scouting friends joined the happy couple and their proud
families at Rhinefield House for a reception for 80 guests, followed on
the Saturday
by an 'afterparty' chez Newbitt for a further 60. The bride and groom
honeymooned in Barbados where some activities such as sea-kayaking and
sailing were probably the only reminder of those earlier camps.
it's back to business as usual as they settle back into work at the MoD
site at Abbeywood, near Filton in Bristol where they now live.
Many Congratulations to the happy couple.
Many Congratulations to the happy couple.
Sunday, 3 November 2013
Christmas Lights Appeal for Help
Saturday 2nd November, John Evans, John Pragnell, John Stevens and
John P’s friend Terry made a start on putting up the Romsey Christmas lights.
Progress was slow because a malicious fairy had re organised everything since
last Christmas. Several bulbs needed replacing, mainly green ones, and lights tested;
which is difficult in day light.
switch on is Sat 23rd November, which doesn’t give us much time to
finish the installation.
The donation that
the Scouts/Fire Service Benevolent Fund received last year was again
reduced by Romsey Chamber of Commerce, without
discussion and agreement; which we were no happy about. Romsey District Scouts
have the Scouting money for 2012 which should be distributed of over the next few
Town Council have now taken over running of the Christmas Lights and have
confirmed that donations to volunteer organisations will be restored to the
originally agreed levels.
If you are free next Saturday and the
following Saturday and Sunday to help put up the lights, your help would be
greatly appreciated. Not only can you raise money for your Group but it’s also
good fun and visitors to Romsey like to see Scouts working in the community.
will be on the Christmas lights page of the District website, password
available from John Evans.
to see you soon! Please do pass on this message to anyone else who may be
willing to help.
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
Roman Cub Camp!
Over the week end 4-6 October 1st Romsey Cub Pack spent their pack holiday at Butchers Coppice camp site in Bournemouth. Three leaders went down early on Friday to sort gear etc as there was a very busy programme planned for the week end,.
'Roman cub camp' was the theme. After settling the Cubs in they made pottery Gods, Romans were attracted to Greek mythology.
After supper they watched a film before lights out.
Saturday was hectic, with bread making and while this was left in a warm place to rise it was off to Roman soldier training on the agility course for an hour. This kept their energy levels in check. After putting the bread in the oven to bake, the Cubs then made mosaic's, there were some very good designs achieved. After lunch it was off to another outside challenge 'low games' lots of challenges, balancing, team building and viaduct building. This was really good fun which all the Cubs and Leaders alike enjoyed. Back in the hall we had 'tuck' then it was time for necklaces and head dresses from pasta,pipe cleaners and crepe paper, once again the Cubs came up trumps. Then it was free time for the Cubs to do activities of their choice. After dinner it was time for camp fire lighting and marshmallows followed by camp fire songs led by Tim. Supper followed by the film and lights out.
Sunday came all to soon with another busy day. Catapult building and making swords and shields for the battle after lunch.There was full kit inspection then 'tuck'. Fortunately the archery instructor came a bit later than scheduled. 11am all the Cubs left the hall while a leader cleared up the paint and put gear away.
After lunch the long awaited battle of the catapults on the main recreation area. Tim and Steve had made the water bombs ready for the fight. Everyone dressed as Roman soldiers , fortunately the aiming was not always on target so the expected drenching everyone would get did not happen. The Parents had been invited to arrive at 2pm so that they could be our audience.
Back in the hall everyone helped for final tuck and cups of tea or coffee with some lovely cake baked by the Parents.
Butchers Coppice caters for every activity imaginable so there was plenty to do all the time. No, not one game of football, unbelievable!
This was a great camp Steve and Donna organised with a lot of thought going into all the activities. Jacky, Anita and Tim were the other leaders. The Cubs were great most of the time (teamwork) was the key, with Leaders and Cubs working together after all the meals doing the washing up and clearing away. The Cubs seemed to enjoy washing up with fortunately no water all over the floor. Cubs are already asking when the next camp is.
A truly GREAT camp, well done Steve and Donna 1 Romsey Cub Leaders
Tuesday, 15 October 2013
School Enjoy Scout Activities
October was a day to remember for the staff and pupils of Kings
Somborne Church of England School. Scouts, Leaders and helpers from
the Romsey District team set up the type of activities that Scouts,
Cubs or Beavers might experience during their camps or weekly
In the
field behind the school the Scouts set up four activities and each of
the year group took it in turns to try most, if not all of the
activities. Even the occasional rain shower didn’t dampen anyone's
The most
popular activity was the rope bridge a 7 metre long bridge that forms
part if Romsey District’s popular assault course. All bar one of
the 120 pupils successfully crossed the bridge, as did some of the
teachers. Decorating a wooden book mark was also popular as was the
junior archery equipment. The equipment has small bows and arrows
with large rubber suckers on the end are especially designed to be
used by young people and allow them to have their first experience of
as popular was the fire lighting demonstration which also included
marsh mellow cooking. Pupils were able to roast a marsh mellow over
the hot embers of a well established fire. Once the marsh mellow was
golden brown and just starting to melt, it was placed between two
chocolate biscuits creating a warm and satisfying snack, especial
when eaten during one of those intermittent showers.
Some of the pupils were already members of the Scouting but it is hopeful that more children will now want to join after experiencing these activities. The aim was to also encourage more adult help.
For more
information about Kings Somborne Scouts, how to join the Group or how
you can help e mail kingssomborne@romseyscouts.org.
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Recovering " Lost Ground" at Kings Somborne
There have been more developments since this blog post.
Walls, Retail Business Manager
at The Southern Co-operative’s
Stockbridge store
and her team of colleagues were
back at the Kings Somborne Scout HQ the other day.
They found an area of overgrown waste ground between the
shed and the Southern boundary of the site which the current Scout
leaders didn’t know was there.
So on
Wednesday 25th
September Claire, Fiona, Jack and Eliot joined Cub leader Janice, John (District Chairman) with the aim of
recovering the “lost” ground. It took most of the day to clear
the nettles, brambles and bushes but in the end, as you can see from
the photograph, a significant area of the site was recovered.
At the
moment the Cubs and Beavers are improving the sites facilities for
wildlife by creating a bugs hotel and compost heap. They are also
building a key hole garden and would like large plastic bottles and
sand to create the garden. Please contact the Scouts if you are able
to donate bottles or sand.
For more
about the development plan for the Group or Scouting in Kings
Somborne and the surrounding area please contact
Monday, 7 October 2013
Test Valley Walk Completed
He did it!
District Chairman John Stevens completed the Test Way Walk
from Stockbridge to Romsey. He completed the 11 mile walk in 4 hours and 35
minutes on Saturday; due to family commitment John couldn’t do the Sunday like
everyone else.
“I’m glad I did all the practise over the past few days
including undertaking the whole walk last Monday with Paul and Toffee, said John,
it meant that I completed the walk with very few aches and pains. It also
helped that we had dropped some water off near Kimbridge before the start of
the walk so I had to carry less water and hence less weight.
So far John has raised £118 on behalf of the District
special needs adviser group (SNAG).
“My thanks to everyone who has supported me,” John added, “and
if anyone else want to sponsor and support the great work that SNAG do my just
giving page is www.justgiving.com/John-Stevens9 .”
Congratulation to everyone who took part in Sundays
sponsored walk, if you didn’t perhaps you would like to have a good next year.
Here are those who were known to have taken part in this years walk.
Here are those who were known to have taken part in this years walk.
John Donovan, for Kings Somborne
Ryan and Ben Orgil for Woodley
Three mums walking for Kings Somborne
The McCann family
Claire Sutton and Fiona West.
The next walk is Sunday 12th October 2014.

Friday, 4 October 2013
"No One Chooses to live in a Box"
who attended Digger's Day sleep out in July were (apart from the boxes they slept in) given small cardboard boxes to
collect spare change for New Forest Night stop. These boxes have now been collected in and below is a letter of thanks from NFNS.
Dear Sarah,
you so much for being our first ever community group for our ‘No one
chooses to sleep in a box’ campaign. I appreciate your efforts in
co-ordinating this within Romsey DSL and after receiving the many bags
and boxes of coins from my volunteer Hilary, who collected them from you
this week, I am delighted to tell you that you have raised £157.79
towards helping homeless young people in the New Forest. Thank you so
much and please do pass on my thanks to all those involved. I hope they
will be encouraged about the difference they have made.
I hope we meet again one day and until then,
Kindest regards
Well done Romsey Scouts for thinking outside the box
and helping those who sleep inside a box
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Quiz Night - Saturday 19th October
Monday, 30 September 2013
Scouting Stalwart "Goes Home"
Last week Scouting received the sad news that Frank Aburrow had passed away following his battle with cancer. Or as the
Scouts say, Frank has “gone home”
had been a committed leader at 9th Romsey (West Wellow) for many
years and had also been involved in Scouting across the District and
came to Scouting via a chance meeting with Roy Farmers, a former
County Commissioner for Hampshire. Shortly afterwards Frank took out
his first appointment as Assistant Scout Leader with 2nd New Forest
North (Stanley’s Own) Scout Group.
Once Frank had helped establish Stanley’s Own he moved to 17th Itchen South (Sholing St. Francis) where he provided universal support to help young people get the most out of their time in Scouting. Frank enjoyed developing the Scouts experience with archery, air rifle shooting and fishing, as well as teaching them excellent housekeeping and camp craft.
In 2006, Frank felt it was time to move nearer to his home in Eling and joined the leadership team at 9th Romsey (West Wellow). As well as helping at a Group level Frank helped across the District at any event he was asked to participate in. He was known for producing exceptional scouting programmes which were both exciting and enthused the Scouts. He believed in empowering young people and allowing them to experience the freedom to learn by trying new things.
a qualified archery instructor Frank has over the years run sessions
not only for the Scouting movement but also for schools and
underprivileged children. After he retired, Frank spent most of his
time committed to Scouting. He enjoyed pottering around and liked
nothing more than to spend a few hours repairing rope ends or even
days preparing the equipment for summer camp.
his illness Frank remained steadfast in his commitment to Scouting.
He was insistent on reviewing summer camp programmes and ensuring
equipment was maintained and ready for use as well as providing
advice and guidance to many leaders including tips for rafting,
bridge building and summer camp activities.
had given more than 20 years service to Scouting and in 2011 he truly deserved the Silver Acorn award for his exceptional service.
Franks funeral is
to be held on Wednesday 2nd October, 1.30pm at Netley Marsh church.
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