Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Hike suitable for Scouts with Museum at end‏

Thank you to Pete Bourne for the following:

Ann and Pete went on a hike starting and finishing at Fort Nelson. Afterwards they went into Fort Nelson to look around.  They thought this could make a great day out for a Scout Troop- particularly as Admission to the Fort is free and there's lots to see in there. 
Guided Walks cost £3 for adults but again are free for under 16s
The hike route is based on walk 11 in "50 walks in Hampshire & the Isle of Wight". See below a route card and map. Distance is just over 7 miles, and refreshments are available at Southwick or at the cafe at Fort Nelson.
There are a couple of legs on road, but the roads are not busy so it's okay for Scouts. Unfortunately one leg of the footway is closed (look here)  at present for bridge repairs, so you might want to hold on to this to use when the footpath is reopened.

Monday, 28 April 2014

Scouts present Christmas Cheque + St. George!

The Romsey Opportunity Group has been established in Romsey for more than 40 years. They provide support and help to under school age children who have been identified as having special needs. The group meet twice weekly in the Appletree Centre, behind the library, where with support from appropriate therapists, the volunteers are able to encourage the children to start on the road to reach their full potential.

Romsey District Scouts held a Christmas event in December (in lieu of a carol service - pictures here) and donations were requested for refreshments etc. Over £100 was raised and this has now been donated to the Opportunity Group to help support them in their very valuable work. David Sutton (Vice President of Romsey Scouts) made the presentation to Lyn Bird, ROG Family Co-ordinator.

A picture of the St. George's Banner carried in Romsey Abbey yesterday, if anyone else has photographs from the St. George's day parade that they don't mind going public (i.e. children or adults have given their permission) please can they send to   Many thanks.

Friday, 25 April 2014

St. George's Day Parade - 27th April


Please assemble in the Abbey Green NOT LORTIMORE CAR PARK on Sunday, 27st April  at 2.30pm.  The service in the Abbey will be held at 3pm followed by a procession through Romsey.  

The St Georges Day rehearsals will be held in The Dr Peter Centre and Division Guide HQ tonight Friday, 25th April 2014 for all Flag Bearers and parental Ushers from 18.00-19.00 – PLEASE REMEMBER YOUR FLAGS.  

The rehearsal for young people doing Prayers, Promises and Readings is from 10.00 – 10.45 in Romsey Abbey on Saturday 26th April. 

Not Really!  But please attend the St. George's Day parade on Sunday

Wednesday, 23 April 2014


Scout Shops have added two more Minifig products to their range - Beaver & Cub 3D PVC fridge magnets, each priced at £1.50. Buy the them here  

Friday, 11 April 2014

Braishfield -Beavers and Cubs

Exciting times for Braishfield Scout Group - spread the word about their Beaver Colony and Cub Pack.

Let us help more children join in the fun that Scouting offers

Monday, 7 April 2014

Dinosaurover weekend!

Well done to all the West Wellow Cubs who attended the Dinosaurover weekend in March at the Natural History Museum.  

The behaviour overall was excellent especially given we had to navigate the London transport systems and some busy crowds. May I also say a huge thank you to all the leaders and parents that came and helped, and supported the event; you made it such a great few days for the Cubs. I know all the Cubs loved it, as expected, and I must say I was surprised, pleasantly, to hear that the Cubs favourite parts of the weekend constituted just about all the activities undertaken, from the travelling – trains, tubes, escalators, return bridge walk; from the initial Museum excursion to buying souvenirs in the shop; the mini-beasts theatre show, the Dino night hunt, the t-shirt Dino design (very late at 11.00pm!) and then the live animal show in the morning! 

For me it was just kicking back under the Diplodocus (literally – what a great spot!) in the Great Hall listening to all children (& Baloo!) drift off to sleep. Magical!!!   

Akela (Paul)
West Wellow Cub Scouts

Saturday, 5 April 2014

3rd Romsey Scouts Gala Dinner Dance

Guests of 3rd Romsey Scout Group enjoyed a canapé reception and dinner at Romsey Town Hall last Saturday 22nd March. 

The Council Chamber was decked out for the occasion and table decorations organised and designed with artistic flair by Fiona Smith. Many local businesses had generously donated high quality prizes which ensured the raffle was extremely well supported.
The provision of photographs on arrival by Malcolm & Diane of Photoflair ensured everyone had a lasting memory of the evening. After an excellent meal, over 100 guests enjoyed live music provided by Soulcatchers, a ten piece line up, who played a selection of music featuring many popular soul, motown and funk numbers.

“It’s not often that we get the chance to dress up and dance but tonight was a very special occasion to share with our friends” said Sarah Beaman, acting Group Scout Leader.
“Part of the funds raised from the evening will go towards materials for our entry in Romsey Town Carnival in July. Therefore we used a carnival theme for our table settings with each being named after a famous carnival from around the world.”
“Last year our Cubs and Scouts made go-carts for the procession. All the children were involved in building the entry, which was highly commended by the Carnival judges. The Cubs & Scouts gained their DIY Badge, but also used the go-carts on camp – and will be entering them in the Carnival Week Kart Race.”
In his closing remarks James Laffeaty, the Group Executive Chairman, thanked everyone for their generous support of the event. He finished with “it was a terrific Gala event and we look forward to seeing you all again next year!”

Proceeds from the Gala Dinner Dance will also go towards maintaining camping and activity equipment for its Cubs and Scouts in their busy programme for the coming year. The Group is planning to expand the age range covered by opening a Beaver Colony for children aged 6 to 8 years old, enlarging the scope of young people in the community who can benefit from the fun of Scouting.

Friday, 4 April 2014

10th Romsey & 21st Romsey joint Cub sleepover

Martin Blake was told that eggs were needed for the 'eggy bread' for this weekends sleep over!

Have a great weekend guys and please share some pictures with us...................

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Honours for Long Serving Leader and Scout Chief

It is not just young Scout members that earn badges, adults in Scouting also receive awards for length of service and for good service. This year two members of Romsey District have been awarded the Silver Acorn by the Chief Scout. 

The Silver Acorn is seldom awarded for less than 20 years service, which is specially distinguished and appreciably better than outstanding. These prestigious awards are announced annually and in previous years 16 member’s of Romsey District received St George’s awards, most of them Leaders.

This year the awards went to a long serving Assistant Scout Leader from Woodley
 Pete Betteridge

and Romsey’s District Chairman John Stevens

 We send our congratulations and thanks to them for all they have done 
for Romsey District Scouting over the years