Romsey Scout Group put their go-karts from last year’s carnival to
good use at the inaugural Romsey Carnival Go-Kart
Race in July
Scout teams applied to enter, and then it was time for the thinking
caps as a theme and costumes needed planning. With hammers, nails,
glue and cable ties the three carts were transformed into World Cup
Wonder, Castle Chaos and Hogwarts Hotshots!
The evening was sunny with
blue skies as we assembled in Alma Road car park ready to be judged
on the best decorated go-kart prior to the off.
Mayor and the Carnival Chairman, John Ray, inspected the seven
entries closely prior to making their decision – and the winner of
the best decorated kart was Hogwarts Hotshots (Kathleen & Lucy) –
a good start for 3rd
karts then lined up for the off, as the chequered flag dropped they
were off like a shot! Hogwarts Hotshots had a flying start round the
car park closely followed by the other two entries from 3rd
Scouts. Then it was down Love Lane and up the Hundred, through the
Cornmarket where World Cup Wonder took the lead. The karts then
raced down Bell Street into Newton Lane and up Narrow Lane before
heading back through The Square and back down the Hundred. The
final leg of the race went back into Love Lane to Alma Road car park.
World Cup Wonder (Marcus & Adam) won the race closely followed
by Castle Chaos (James & Polly) and then Hogwarts Hotshots – so
1st, 2nd
and 3rd and best
decorated – not a bad evening’s work!

you to the carnival committee for putting on the go-kart race – it
was great fun and all 7 teams enjoyed taking part! It was a well
organised event and nice to have an event for the under-16’s to
take part in during the Bed Race evening - we can’t wait to take
part next year!