Thursday 20 November 2014

Greeen Blue Peter Badges for the group

There was great excitement last Thursday as the postman arrived at the homes of Beavers, Cubs & Scouts from 3rd Romsey Scout Group.  In the post were letters for members of 3rd Romsey who had taken part in the Himalayan Balsam pulling and attached to these letters were GREEN Blue Peter Badges.

We have helped Catherine Chatters of the Hampshire & Isle of White Trust to clear balsam at Newtown in the New Forest and at the Blackwater River at Ower.  The Scouts & Cubs braved very wet weather last year and the newest Beaver members of the Group joined them in blazing sunshine & stinging nettles this year to help clear this very invasive plant.  The Scouts & Cubs learnt a great deal from the evening and Catherine explained to them the invasiveness of this plant and how it can clog our waterways.  They also did a report for the Scout website and for the local village magazines and the local paper explaining the importance of this work and what they had learnt.  To gain the Blue Peter Badge each Beaver, Cub & Scout had to write a letter or article or draw a picture explaining what activity they had undertaken and how it had benefited the environment and what they had learnt.

It was only on receiving their badges that the Beavers, Cubs & Scouts worked out that they can now apply for a Blue Peter Card and gain free entry (with a paying adult) to many attractions throughout the UK - an added bonus!
Congratulations to all of you!

Sarah Beaman
3rd Romsey Scout Leader - Ashanti Troop

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