Saturday 14 February 2015

3rd Romsey Scouts Parents Pancake Party

After weeks of planning - tonight was the night!  Invites had been written & sent, responses received.  Menus had been discussed, changed, amended again and then finally agreed on.  Sketches had been (quickly) rehearsed.  Shopping had been done.
The hall was full of Scouts & parents waiting to sample the delights of the PPP!
We appreciate the parents & siblings coming - it was lovely having you there - we hope you enjoyed it.
Thank you to the Scouts for doing what needed doing and being good about it!  A huge thank you to Shona & Tris who had the unenviable task of being in a very hot kitchen supervising the Scouts make 4 different toppings, cook over 100 pancakes - and topping the pancakes successfully!!  Lastly thank you to Alex & Joe, my Young Leaders, for keeping the squash flowing and taking/counting the votes.
Well done to Eagles & Kestrels who were joint winners of the competition for the best filling - all voted for by the parents.  The evening was slightly manic - but good fun!
Usually we ask a Scout to write the report for the evening, tonight it was written by a parent volunteer.......
An enjoyable evening with sumptuous pancakes and a truly mouth-watering experience with rip roaring skits – going home on a sugar rush and not feeling guilty because I had my 5-a-day!


Sarah Beaman
3rd Romsey Scout Leader - Ashanti Troop

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