Tuesday 22 October 2013

Roman Cub Camp!

Over the week end 4-6 October 1st Romsey Cub Pack spent their pack holiday at Butchers Coppice camp site in Bournemouth. Three leaders went down early on Friday to sort gear etc as there was a very busy programme planned for the week end,.
'Roman cub camp' was the theme.   After settling the Cubs in they made pottery Gods, Romans were attracted to Greek mythology.
After supper they watched a film before lights out.

Saturday was hectic, with bread making and while this was left in a warm place to rise it was off to Roman soldier training on the agility course for an hour.   This kept their energy levels in check.   After putting the bread in the oven to bake, the Cubs then made mosaic's, there were some very good designs achieved.  After lunch it was off to another outside challenge 'low games' lots of challenges, balancing, team building and viaduct building.   This was really good fun which all the Cubs and Leaders alike enjoyed.   Back in the hall we had 'tuck' then it was time for necklaces and head dresses  from pasta,pipe cleaners and crepe paper, once again the Cubs came up trumps.   Then it was free time for the Cubs to do activities of their choice.    After dinner it was time for camp fire lighting and marshmallows followed by camp fire songs led by Tim. Supper followed by the film and lights out.
Sunday came all to soon with another busy day.   Catapult building and making swords and shields for the battle after lunch.There was full kit inspection then 'tuck'.   Fortunately the archery instructor came a bit later than scheduled.  11am all the Cubs left the hall while a leader cleared up the paint and put gear away.
After lunch the long awaited battle of the catapults on the main recreation area.  Tim and Steve had made the water bombs ready for the fight.   Everyone dressed as Roman soldiers , fortunately the aiming was not always on target so the expected drenching everyone would get did not happen.   The Parents had been invited to arrive at 2pm so that they could be our audience.

Back in the hall everyone helped for final tuck and cups of tea or coffee with some lovely cake baked by the Parents.
Butchers Coppice caters for every activity imaginable so there was plenty to do all the time.   No, not one game of football, unbelievable! 
This was a great camp Steve and Donna organised with a lot of thought going into all the activities.   Jacky, Anita and Tim were the other leaders.   The Cubs were great most of the time (teamwork) was the key, with Leaders and Cubs working together after all the meals doing the washing up and clearing away.   The Cubs seemed to enjoy washing up with fortunately no water all over the floor.   Cubs are already asking when the next camp is.
A truly GREAT camp, well done Steve and Donna 1 Romsey Cub Leaders

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